
/ #6079 "How sickening is the government "

2012-07-28 06:42

Toni ToniToni-Maryland says:
July 27, 2012 at 4:21 pm

How awful that this man had to lose his beloved dog, Wicca. How sickening is the government to continually kill innocent dogs and destroy peoples lives. These dogs are our family and we love them as much as anyone else in our family. It’s truly unfair!

We have rapists and murders of human life, as well as animals. And it seems the true beasts (vile & disgusting humans) get off with a slap while these loving animals are brutally destroyed.

Well, they have this to think about, a dog is CREATED by the Lord. They are his creation and he is NOT at all happy about the thousands of senseless murdering of the animals that he created. They will have to pay for what they are doing. A sin is a sin. “Thou Shall Not Kill”