
/ #6088 " As a Canadian, shame on you City of Montreal!! "

2012-07-28 06:51

Lori says:
July 27, 2012 at 5:01 pm

As a Canadian, shame on you City of Montreal!! I am one of those people that called to City Hall and first hand experienced the smiles, the laughter of the man that answered my call. And he KNEW how upset I was! When I mentioned I had four German Shepherds, he showed interest. I imagine he was sorry I was in TX so they couldn’t plot how to get MY dogs!! How DARE you? Smile and laugh in the face of such a wrong situation? I will never step foot in Montreal AGAIN. Just as I will not Belfast Ireland. Election time will come and we will see how FAST certain people are out on their butts. SHAME ON YOU. An innocent dog dead- all over a SCRATCH- and you people smile and laugh. Despicable.