Quoted post


#3464 Ville de Montréal committee

2011-06-18 13:54

What I understand from this article is that the Ville de Montréal - Maire Tremblay - is not looking for a political and legal solution -laws to protect animals - despite the fact that the opposition parties are doing just that. Projet Montréal and Vision Montréal are both examining the question in a much broader sense, what is the source of abandonment, how can we educate people to care for, keep, and neuter their pets, how can we adopt out instead of eliminating animals, how can we reunite lost pets with their owners, how can we punish those who would abuse animals. The City Of Los Angeles just passed a law this month forbidding puppy mills and the sale of animals in pet stores that come from puppy mills.  Projet Montréal put forth some really interesting ideas and I take it Tremblay is ignoring them. Anybody know? He has hired veterinarians, I don't see anyone on his committee from the animal rescue organizations, the SPCA, no lawyers who could help draft laws, all he wants is for the reality of inhumane euthanasia to become an impression of "humane euthanasia" in the eyes of the world. We need to keep PRESSURING him and the opposition parties and the provincial politicians to CHANGE THE LAWS. I know where my vote won't be going next round and if all animal owners (almost 50% of the population) knew what "MAIRE DEATH TREMBLAY" was about he'd certainly not make it back into office next time. COME TO THE PROTEST/MANIFESTATION TODAY 13H, 275 NOTRE-DAME EST - BRING YOUR DOGS !!!!



#3468 Re: Ville de Montréal committee

2011-06-18 15:52:12

#3464: Visiteur - Ville de Montréal committee 

 j'aurais plus confiance en Projet Montréal et Vision Montréal pour mener à bien un projet pour le bien-être des animaux.

L'équipe en gestion animalière ne me dit rien qui vaille, car ce sont ceux-là même qui ont provoqué tous ces dégâts.  Ils ont eu l'opportunité de faire avancer la chose et ils ont pitoyablement échoué.  Et des animaux y ont laissé leur vie. 

Maintenant, restez dans l'ombre et laissez la place à ceux qui veulent vraiment faire la différence.  Les dîplômés qui ont échoué leurs test:   DEHORS!  Vous avez assez fait de dommages comme ça.  Des gens consciencieux viendront réparer vos sales et dégoûtants dégâts et assurer un meilleur avenir aux animaux qui suivront.